Gold Rate Per 21K Today in Kuwait
Tuesday 25 March 2025, 02:45 pm, Kuwait time
Gold price today in Kuwait recorded 815.250 Kuwaiti Dinar per ounce 21K, 26.210 per gram 21K, 26,210.190 per kilogram 21K and 305.720 per tola 21K.
Gold price today in Kuwait has increased slightly by 0.32 Kuwaiti Dinar per Ounce 21K (change percent of 0.04% compared to yesterday rates Sunday, 23, March 2025).
Gold karat 21 refers to gold that is 21 parts pure gold and 3 parts other metals, out of a total of 24 parts. This corresponds to a gold purity of 87.5%. The term "karat" is used to measure the purity of gold, with 24 karats being the highest level of purity.
While 21 karat gold is less pure than higher karat values, it still retains a significant gold content and may be chosen for its balance between purity and durability. The specific alloys used can also influence the color and properties of the gold.
21K | Kuwaiti Dinar |
21K Ounce | 815.250 |
21K Gram | 26.210 |
21K Kilogram | 26,210.190 |
21K Tola | 305.720 |
Kuwait Gold Rate Today (Live)
To calculate gold 21K rate in Kuwait, enter the weight in 21K in the following table. You will get the result instantly in both Kuwaiti Dinar and USD.
Amount | Unit | KWD | USD |
21K Ounce | 815.250 | 2,644.760 | |
21K Gram | 26.210 | 85.030 | |
21K Kilogram | 26,210.190 | 85,029.000 | |
21K Tola | 305.720 | 991.780 |
10 Years Gold Rate Charts in Kuwait in Kuwaiti Dinar Per Ounce 21K
Gold 21K Price in Kuwait in March 2025 in Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
Date | 21K Ounce | 21K Gram | 21K Kilogram | 21K Tola |
25-Mar | 814.30 | 26.18 | 26,179.60 | 305.36 |
24-Mar | 814.93 | 26.20 | 26,199.94 | 305.60 |
23-Mar | 814.36 | 26.18 | 26,181.56 | 305.38 |
17-Mar | 804.14 | 25.85 | 25,853.22 | 301.55 |
16-Mar | 805.05 | 25.88 | 25,882.30 | 301.89 |
15-Mar | 805.79 | 25.91 | 25,906.13 | 302.17 |
14-Mar | 804.82 | 25.88 | 25,875.09 | 301.81 |
13-Mar | 793.85 | 25.52 | 25,522.21 | 297.69 |
12-Mar | 785.47 | 25.25 | 25,252.92 | 294.55 |
11-Mar | 781.11 | 25.11 | 25,112.76 | 292.92 |
10-Mar | 784.71 | 25.23 | 25,228.52 | 294.27 |
09-Mar | 784.44 | 25.22 | 25,219.72 | 294.16 |
08-Mar | 784.90 | 25.23 | 25,234.40 | 294.34 |
07-Mar | 784.36 | 25.22 | 25,217.31 | 294.14 |
06-Mar | 786.82 | 25.30 | 25,296.37 | 295.06 |
05-Mar | 786.25 | 25.28 | 25,277.98 | 294.84 |
04-Mar | 780.79 | 25.10 | 25,102.56 | 292.80 |
03-Mar | 774.39 | 24.90 | 24,896.50 | 290.39 |
02-Mar | 771.95 | 24.82 | 24,818.10 | 289.48 |
01-Mar | 771.95 | 24.82 | 24,818.10 | 289.48 |
28-Feb | 772.92 | 24.85 | 24,849.37 | 289.84 |
27-Feb | 781.65 | 25.13 | 25,129.97 | 293.12 |
26-Feb | 787.56 | 25.32 | 25,320.07 | 295.34 |
25-Feb | 793.21 | 25.50 | 25,501.79 | 297.45 |
24-Feb | 793.62 | 25.51 | 25,514.76 | 297.61 |
23-Feb | 792.46 | 25.48 | 25,477.61 | 297.17 |
22-Feb | 793.30 | 25.50 | 25,504.67 | 297.49 |
21-Feb | 790.05 | 25.40 | 25,400.21 | 296.27 |
20-Feb | 795.28 | 25.57 | 25,568.37 | 298.23 |
19-Feb | 791.69 | 25.45 | 25,452.69 | 296.88 |
How much is the gold price for gram 22 carat in Kuwait today?
22 carat gram gold in Kuwait today is 27.46 dinars.
How much price is the gold in one tola?
11.664 gram in one tola
1 tola of gold today, Tuesday 25 March 2025, 11:45 am, GMT, equals 349.39 dinars.
Please send me daily gold price in Kuwait.
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Can you send gold rate in Kuwait from day to day?
What is price of 10 tola gold karat 22 and what are making charges?
In Kuwait, 10 tola of gold karat 22 equal 3,202.76 dinars.
Why is this rate different from the shop rate in Kuwait?
These rates are converted from international gold rates in USD to KWD which are sometimes different from local gold rates in Kuwait.
Hi, I need current rate of gold in Kuwait everyday.
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What is Today Gold price in Kuwait?
Today gold price in Kuwait = 27.46 KWD/ gram 22K, Tuesday 25 March 2025, 11:45 am, GMT.
Plz inform me when gold rate in Kuwait decreases below 12 KWD for gram K22.
How much price is gram 24K in Kuwait today?
Today, Tuesday 25 March 2025, 11:45 am, GMT, gold price in Kuwait is 29.95 KWD/gram 24K.
How much price is gram 22 karat in dinars?
Gold price today Tuesday 25 March 2025, 11:45 am, GMT in dinars is 27.46 per gram 22 Karat.
What is the price of 7 grams 22 karat gold in Kuwait?
The price of 7 grams of gold 22K in Kuwait = 192.20 dinars.
How much is the price of 8 Grams of 22 karat gold?
8 Grams of 22 karat gold = 219.66 Kuwaiti dinars.
How much is the making charge for 8 grams of gold?
Please note that the making charges are not fixed and differs from one shop to another.
do u have gold chain n bangles
Please, I want 22 carat gold price today in Kuwait.
How much is the rate of 22 carat gold in Kuwait?
The rate of gold 22 carat in Kuwait today Tuesday 25 March 2025, 11:45 am, GMT is 27.46 KWD/gram
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